Physics Faculty Publishes Result on Quantum Gravity in Physics Letters B

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Physics faculty, Babar Qureshi's work titled, "ADM Energy and Infra-gravitons" has been published in Physics Letters B. Physics Letters B is one of the top journals in high energy physics, nuclear physics and cosmology with an A* ranking according to Australian Research Council. 

In this research work, Dr. Qureshi arrived at similar ideas that were at the basis of Hawking and Strominger's analysis of black hole information paradox that got press coverage recently. Hawking and Strominger proposed that 'soft hair', the so called soft photons, may be holding the information that is thought to be lost during formation of a black hole and may be the key to the resolution of the black hole information paradox. Dr. Qureshi's work extends this idea to gravitational degrees of freedom, soft gravitons, and to non-perturbative regimes which is a very promising result.

The article is available here.