LUMS Syed Babar Ali School of Science and Engineering (SBASSE) inaugurates a full-fledged versatile physical properties measurement system housed at the Department of Physics. With temperatures as low as 2 K and magnetic fields up to 7 T, the state-of-the-art system can be used to investigate the confounding properties of futuristic materials and devices. The achievable sample temperature is around 3K (-270 degrees Centigrade) allowing the exploration of useful properties such as magneto-transport, magnetism, quantum effects in condensed matter and structure-properties relationships. This also, interstingly, makes it the coldest place in Lahore.
The device has been installed in connection with SABASSE’s vision of assisting the Faculty in world-class experimental research. The primary users of this machine will be Faculty from across the SBASSE. Currently the machine is assisting the research projects in spin physics with Dr. Sabieh Anwar (Physics) and magneto-thermoelectric materials with Dr. Falak Sher (Chemistry).