It takes a lifetime to find something that one is passionate about, that makes one oblivious of any obstacle, deterrence or hindrance one might face in achieving it. One can get their strength from a simple idea, their passion fueled from the thought of what they might achieve if they are successful. Everyone aspires to find such a cause to live for but only a few have the courage to see it through. The Alumni Office team recently met such a man, and is proud of the fact that he is a LUMS alumnus from the first batch of MBA, Burhan Khan.
At the age of 61, he is a grandfather, yet you need only a minute with him to see the passion in his eyes to make a difference in this world. Burhan Khan had very humble origins, served Pakistan in the Airforce for a decade, after which he decided to move on to other things. It was then that he got enrolled at LUMS. Under the mentorship of great minds like Syed Babar Ali and the LUMS Business School faculty, he learned how to be a successful businessman, how to be a passionate citizen of Pakistan and how to pursue his dreams. Now a success in the textile industry, Burhan Khan decided to do for others what LUMS had done for him.
According to Khan, LUMS changed him and it was the best thing that ever happened to him. He supports the LUMS National Outreach Programme (NOP) so that the maximum number of students from underprivileged backgrounds can get a chance to study at LUMS. A strong supporter of NOP, Burhan Khan has decided to go on a world tour on his bike, along with his son, to promote the NOP cause, find donors, make people aware of what LUMS is doing for the society so that others may follow. He will leave in June from Lahore, will go across China to Russia, to Canada, to the USA, to London, across Europe, and return to Pakistan through Iran.
He will stop to meet and unite the alumni across the world, through a common cause, to promote the NOP initiative. A detailed itinerary will be shared with everyone soon. Whoever wants to support this cause and be part of this initiative should contact the LUMS Alumni Office team.