Editor's Note

Abdul Wahab Niaz
Sara Raza
Shayan Manzar

Over the past few years, Shaikh Ahmad Hassan School of Law has managed to publish one volume each year with entries on a variety of legal issues and prevalent topics in the LUMS Law Journal. This year we are pleased to present the sixth volume of the Journal that aspires to achieve increased readership and access to the legal fraternity in Pakistan and abroad.

We are thankful to a number of people who made the publication of this volume possible. First and foremost, we extend our utmost gratitude to the Chief Editor, Dr. Muhammad Zubair Abbasi, and the Co-Editor, Professor Marva Khan for their guidance and supervision. We are also grateful to the members of our Editorial Committee, especially Maha Malik, Momal Malik, Muhammad Usman Mumtaz, and Semra Islam who worked diligently while reviewing and editing various submissions.

Our ultimate goal remains to motivate law students, academics, lawyers, practitioners and judges to research and write on contemporary legal issues. Hence, we encourage scholarship and discourse on Pakistani law, and welcome constructive feedback and suggestions in pursuing our aim. If you want to provide us with recommendations or suggestions, please write to us at submissions.llj@lums.edu.pk.