Suleman Dawood School of Business (SDSB), the premier institute of business education in the country, has the rich tradition of encouraging research and promoting intellectual growth. Being a world-class academic institution with an impressive record of achievements and vision for the future, LUMS always strives for the excellence of education and its effective use. The PhD Management is an integral programme of higher education offered at SDSB, LUMS. A key feature of the PhD programme is the provision of a platform permitting free exchange of views among scholars. The doctoral colloquium has been serving this purpose since 2017 and we are pleased to invite scholars to join us in April 2019.
Who May Participate
Doctoral students are invited to submit their work-in-progress, dissertations, or full papers. In case of multiple authors of the submitted work, the primary author should be a doctoral student.
Why Participate
SDSB doctoral colloquium will provide an opportunity to the doctoral students to receive feedback on their research, from peers and senior researchers and academics. Students will also get a chance to network with the doctoral students and faculty from other universities.
Best Paper Awards
SDSB will recognise good quality research through best paper awards. The papers accepted for presentation at the colloquium shall be evaluated for three best paper awards, one in each area of research mentioned in this call for papers.
Keynote Speaker
Dr. Mustafa F. Ozbilgin
Mustafa F. Özbilgin is Professor of Organisational Behaviour at Brunel Business School, London. He also holds two international positions: Co-Chaire Management et Diversité at Université Paris Dauphine and Visiting Professor of Management at Koç University in Istanbul.
His research focuses on equality, diversity and inclusion at work from comparative and relational perspectives. He has conducted field studies in the UK and internationally and his work is empirically grounded. His research is supported by international as well as national grants from the ESRC, EU, CIPD, ACE, ACCA, British Academy among others. His work has a focus on changing policy and practice in equality and diversity at work. He is an engaged scholar, driven by values of workplace democracy, equality for all, and humanisation of work.
He is serving as the editor-in-chief of the European Management Review (EMR), the official journal of the European Academy of Management (EURAM) since 2014.
Research Areas
The colloquium is open for papers in the following three areas:
1) Organisational Behaviour, HRM and Strategy
a) Organisational Networks
b) Diversity in Organisations
c) Power and Politics
d) Gender and Organisations
e) Cross-cultural Management
f) Leadership and Organizational Change
g) Conflict and Negotiations
h) Motivation, Values, Attitudes and Behaviour
i) Entrepreneurship
j) Public Personnel Management
k) Organizational Justice
l) Human Resource Management
2) Operations Management
a) Mathematical Modelling/Optimization
b) Scheduling and Transportation
c) Supply Chain Management
d) Total Quality Management
e) Service Operations Management
f) System Dynamics
g) Operations Strategy
h) Technology / Innovation Management
i) Product/ Process Development
j) Value Stream Management
k) Business Analytics
l) Business Intelligence
3) Finance
a) Asset Pricing and Market Efficiency
b) Corporate Investment and Financing Decisions
c) Regulatory Framework and Role of Financial Institutions
d) Islamic Banking and Finance
e) International Finance and Banking
f) Portfolio Diversification, Investments, and Financial Markets
g) Financial Risk Management and Contingent Securities
h) Theory of the Firm, Agency Problem, Corporate Governance, and other institutional issues
i) Issues in Accounting and Control
j) Corporate Finance and Investments in Emerging Market
Submission Information
Participants are required to submit an extended abstract of maximum 3000 words (including references) explaining in detail the purpose of research, research design and methodology, findings/results, originality/contributions to the body of knowledge, and theoretical or practical implications. Please submit your paper at conference.lums.edu.pk mentioning the area of your research as (a) Organisational Behaviour, HRM, Strategy (b) Finance, or (c) Operations Management.
Author Guidelines
1. The submitted paper/case (including title, abstract, main text, figures, tables, exhibits, references etc.) should be saved in MS Word format.
2. To facilitate the blind review process, please remove ALL authors’ identifying information including authors’ names, affiliations, email addresses and acknowledgements from the manuscript file.
3. Authors’ information and acknowledgements should be provided on a SEPARATE MS Word file.
4. Font should be Times New Roman 12 font, double spaced.
5. All pages should be numbered.
Important Dates
Submission Deadline January 31, 2019
Contact information February 25, 2019
Registration March 15, 2019
Registration Fee
International Participants USD 100
Local Participants PKR 3000
International Students USD 50
Local Students PKR 1500
Organising Committee
Dr. Ghufran Ahmad (SDSB-LUMS)
Dr. Abdur Rahman Malik (SDSB-LUMS)
Dr. Ummad Mazhar (SDSB-LUMS)
Students Committee
Mr. Abubakar Siddique (PhD Student - OM)
Mr. Attique Ur Rehman (PhD Student – OM)
Mr. Fareed Ud Din (PhD Student - OB)
Mr. Shoaib Amjad Hussain (PhD Student - OB)
Contact Information
For questions or further information, please contact the organizing committee at:
Umar Amjad
PhD Programme Office
Suleman Dawood School of Business
Lahore University of Management Sciences
D.H.A, Lahore Cantt. 54792 Lahore, Pakistan
Phone: +92 42 35608283