Public Defence of Dissertation
Suleman Dawood School of Business (SDSB) is organising a PhD Management Dissertation Defence of the Dissertation titled, “Extended Role of Supply Chain Partners (Suppliers and Customers) in Service Supply Chains” as per the following details:
Dissertation Title: “Extended Role of Supply Chain Partners (Suppliers and Customers) in Service Supply Chains” By Syed Aamir Ali Shah, Candidate PhD Management
Date: January 4, 2021 - Monday
Time: 11:00 a.m.
Venue: Faculty Lounge (SDSB building, 4th floor)
Click here to Access Zoom Link
Dissertation Defence Committee
- Dr. Muhammad Shakeel Sadiq Jajja ‐ Supervisor & Chair
- Dr. Kamran Ali Chatha – Co-Supervisor
- Dr. Muhammad Adeel Zaffar - Member SDSB
- Dr. Muhammad Abdur Rahman Malik – Member SDSB
- Dr. Naveed Arshad ‐ Member (LUMS)
- Dr. Mohammad Kamran Mumtaz – External Examiner (IBA Karachi)
Firms do not operate in isolated settings anymore but instead work amidst of an environment where many agents (suppliers and customers) come together and contribute to produce the final product/service. Accordingly, organizations carry out various processes and take decisions considering their entire supply chain instead of working within silos. Much of the work has been done to study the supply chain management (SCM) in the context of manufacturing settings. However, the concept of service supply chains is a relatively newer and rapidly expanding area of research in the field of operations management. A relatively recent crossover between SCM and service operations management (SOM) research has resulted in a decent amount of conceptual and practical insights relevant to both theory and practice. Nevertheless, much work in the field of service supply chain (SSC) is still in a nascent stage and needs further investigation. The SSC is the network of suppliers, service providers, consumers, and other supporting entities and units that performs the functions of, transaction of resources required to produce services; transformation of these resources into supporting and core services; and the delivery of these services to customers (Baltacioglu et al., 2007; Ellram et al., 2004).
Building on the earlier work on SSCs, this thesis presents conceptual foundations and empirical observations about the extended role of supply chain partners particularly, suppliers and customers, in SSCs in a series of three papers. The first paper is empirical qualitative in nature and is oriented towards the extended role of suppliers in SSCs. Using a balanced mix of deductive and inductive approaches, the paper develops a typology of different types of suppliers involved in SSC and provides its implications on supply base design choices and SSC management processes. The second and third papers are both empirical quantitative in nature. The second paper is oriented towards the extended role of customers in SSCs. This paper particularly explores the antecedents and impact of effective customer participation in service delivery. The findings suggest that customer education and service modularity, individually and together, impact on effective customer participation in service delivery, ultimately improving service quality. The third and final paper investigates the joint extended role of suppliers and customers in servitizing a manufacturing firm. This paper focuses on the role of supply chain integration in the manufacturing firm’s journey towards servitization and the latter’s effect on firm performance. The findings suggest that the supplier and customer integration mediate the relationship between servitization orientation and the provision of basic and advanced services respectively.
View the full resume of the candidate, Syed Aamir Ali Shah.
Following is a list of publications by the candidate, Syed Aamir Ali Shah:
Peer-reviewed Journal Publications
- Shah, S. A. A., Jajja, M. S. S., Chatha, K. A., & Farooq, S. (2020). Servitization and supply chain integration: An empirical analysis. International Journal of Production Economics, 229, 107765. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpe.2020.107765 (ABDC Listed as “A”)
- Jajja, M. S. S., Asif, M., Shah, S. A. A., & Chatha, K. A. (2019). Supply chain innovation research: content analysis based review. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 27(2), 666-694. doi: 10.1108/BIJ-09-2018-0297 (ABDC Listed as “B”)
- Shah, S. A. A., & Jajja, M. S. S., (2020). Nayatel – Quality in DNA. Asian Journal of Management Cases (Accepted)
Conference Proceedings
- Shah, S. A. A., & Jajja, M. S. S. (2019, May 2-6, 2019). Designing Service Processes for Effective Customer Participation: Modular Service Approach. Paper presented at the Production and Operations Management Society (POMS) 30th Annual Conference, Washington DC, USA.
- Shah, S. A. A., & Jajja, M. S. S. (2019, May 2-6, 2019 ). Typology of Suppliers in Service Firms: Effects on Service Supply Chain Design. Paper presented at the Production and Operations Management Society (POMS) 30th Annual Conference, Washington DC, USA.
- Shah, S. A. A. (2018, October 2-5, 2018). The Process of Qualitative Data Analysis Based on Gioia Methodology. Global Conference on Business, Hospitality, and Tourism Research, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
- Shah, S. A. A. (2017, October 3-7, 2017). Role of Neo-institutionalism and Organizational Culture in Service Innovation Exploitation and Exploration. Global Conference on Services Management (GLOSERV), Volterra, Italy.
Conference Presentations
- Shah, S. A. A., & Jajja, M. S. S. (June 4-8, 2018). Design for Participation: Modular Service Approach. Paper presented at the Global Conference on Services Management (GLOSERV) under the umbrella of GLOBE (Global conference on Business and Economics), Sarasota, FL, USA.
- Shah, S. A. A. (March 29, 2018). Theory of Servitization Process: A Conceptual Study. Paper presented at the SDSB Doctoral Colloquium, Lahore University of Management Sciences, Pakistan.