Tuesday, November 15, 2016

IEEE Day is annually held on October 4. For years, The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IEEE) has celebrated this day as an occasion to rejoice, to honour the excellence and achievements of IEEE around the globe. Student branches and other sub sections of IEEE from all over the world hold local celebrations to pay tribute to this great organisation. IEEE International encourages these efforts by holding photo and video contests for all the participant branches.
IEEE LUMS was particularly enthusiastic in its IEEE Day celebration this year. The IEEE event team along with the hard working departments put up a great show. The students held a demonstration showcasing some of the LUMS Electrical Engineering department's finest current projects. Additionally, the students organised a session with the faculty where the instructors competed with each other to win the audience's applause. The catch was that they each had 3 minutes on the clock to talk about (or demonstrate) literally anything in the world. This segment was the "The 3 Minute Madness". The most important part of the event was the inauguration of IEEE LUMS's first affinity group, Women in Engineering (WIE) with a number of distinguished guest speakers.
The photograph that was selected for the IEEE Day Photo Contest had the entire LUMS IEEE team in it. Every single person who worked hard to make this event great. Once the pictures were up, it was a battle of votes amongst the 529 enteries participating across 154 countries.
With a massive publicity campaign and a huge effort from the Promotion Team, the LUMS IEEE team managed to bag 3rd position in the global competition with a cash prize of PKR 35000. The team also secured first position in the entire "Region 10, The Asia Pacific Region."
The results of the competition can be viewed here.
To find out more about IEEE LUMS, click here.
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