Happy New Year - 2018 from all of us at SDSB

Monday, January 1, 2018

A happy new year to everyone from all of us at Suleman Dawood School of Business. 

May this year bring all the happiness and prosperity in your lives. Let's work towards a peaceful future where we all work together for the betterment of our country and our nation. The New Year arrives with hopes and it gives us new courage and belief for a very new start. So let's start being kind and helpful to people in need. Let's be courageous to reach for the highest and the best in our lives. This year lets make a promise to follow the resolutions you make more strictly and achieve what you truly desire in your life. Along with all the new hopes and promises that the New Year would bring, we hope it also brings us a lot more opportunities to work together, spread the gift of education. 

Have a great 2018!