Thursday, October 6, 2016

Ms. Neha Ali Gauhar, Teaching Fellow at the Shaikh Ahmad Hassan School of Law (SAHSOL), LUMS represented the Saida Waheed Gender Initiative and SAHSOL at a consultation held by Rozan on pro-women laws, titled Gaps and Challenges in the Implementation of Pro-Women Laws. The session focused, in particular, on the ‘Protection Against Harassment of Women at Workplace Act, 2010;’ the ‘Punjab Protection of Women Against Violence Act 2016;’ the ‘Prevention of Anti -Women Practices (Criminal Law Amendment) Act 2011’ and the ‘Acid Control and Acid Crime Prevention Act 2011.’
The consultation session was attended by government officials, academics, lawyers and civil society organisations to identify gaps and challenges in the implementation of the above mentioned laws. The findings of the consultations will be shared with policy makers and CSOs for future course of action.
Rozan is an Islamabad based, non-government organisation working on issues of gender, emotional health and violence against women and children since 1998.
The Saida Waheed Gender Initiative leverages research, teaching, and praxis related to gender at LUMS. Foregrounding gender as a contested category of analysis and action, the Initiative approaches gender as a set of relations and processes that include women, men, and members of the third gender. The Initiative promotes interdisciplinary inquiry that is attentive to the construction and operation of gender across different spatial and temporal contexts.