A team of 9 students from LUMS led by Mazhar Mohsin Chinoy, Director, Office of Student Affairs (OSA) proceeded on a Youth Mobilisation trip to Gwadar, Baluchistan on January 11, 2017 as part of a 90-strong delegation of College and University students from the Punjab. The visit was coordinated by the Higher Education Department, Punjab in collaboration with the Government of Baluchistan and the Southern Command, with an aim to enhance greater understanding and collaboration with peer students from Pakistan’s largest province. Another objective was to provide a first-hand look at the CPEC regime and the central role Gwadar port is expected to play in this highly anticipated venture.
The students were given a briefing over current and planned deep sea port operations and took a stroll around the port itself for an excellent experience. LUMS students took an exclusive initiative in formal ice-breaking sessions with fellow students from Gwadar and immediately struck a chord with the bright boys and girls. Both sides relished the experience, singing folk songs and learning phrases in each other’s rich languages, the stumbles and laughter easily melting down any barriers to amity and equity.
The visit also comprised of visits to Colleges recently set up at Gwadar plus an excellent Institute of Technology designed to empower the local youth with higher education. It was not all work and no play for the visitors- the excursions also included time at the Sunset Point, the beach and the famous Hammerhead, as well as thrilling speedboat rides off the Port.
The students had a pleasant and memorable time over three days and returned with a deeply refined understanding of Gwadar and its wonderful people.