Muhammad Assad Arshad, Class of 2015, Department of Electrical Engineering (EE), Syed Babar Ali School of Science and Engineering (SBASSE) recently published a research paper in the IEEE Access which was co-authored by Dr. Syed Azer Reza, Assistant Professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering, SBASSE. Dr. Reza previously published his research at SPIE Photonics Europe 2016 and co-authored another paper presented at IEEE Power Systems Conference (PSC), Clemson University 2016.
All the research presented and published by Muhammad Assad Arshad was mainly related to his final year project which he completed in 2015 under the supervision of Dr. Reza, whereas the research presented at IEEE PSC, Clemson University 2016 was done as a side project supervised by Dr. Nauman Ahmed Zaffar.
Muhammad Assad Arshad worked closely with the Applied Optics Research Group of the Electrical Engineering department during his Bachelors programme and is currently completing his Masters at Abbe School of Photonics, Friedrich Schiller University, Germany. During his time at LUMS he worked with tunable focal lenses (TFL) to developed new wireless data transfer techniques and fast laser beam characterization methods. The paper published in the Journal IEEE Access was titled “A Novel Method of Wireless Data Transfer Through a Variable Focus Lens-Induced Irradiance Modulation of a Gaussian Beam.” The authors proposed a data transfer scheme and fast laser beam characterization methods using multi-focus tunable lenses. Tunable lenses are primarily deployed in motion-free multi-focus cameras hence most of the modern portable devices such as cell phones and tablets use these lenses to operate the in-built variable focus cameras that are a part of these devices.