Dr. Adeel Pasha, Assistant Professor and director of the Electronics and Embedded Systems Lab (EESL) at the Department of Electrical Engineering (EE), Syed Babar Ali School of Science and Engineering (SBASSE) published an article in the August Issue of the SIMULATION: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International. The paper is co-authored by Dr. Shahid Masud (Professor and Department Chair at the Department of Electrical Engineering), and Jahangir Hassan Khan (EE student from the class of 2014).
The paper is titled “I-LEACH: Energy-efficient routing protocol for monitoring of irrigation canals.” Irrigation canals and their tributaries, originating from the run of a river, span a considerable geographical area that is typically of the order of 100 km2. Efficient deployment of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) to monitor and control the flow of scarce water resources is a challenging task, mainly because the WSN motes are designed to consume very low power and communicate over very short distances. This paper investigates the use of different WSN protocols to monitor water usage over irrigation networks in the province of Punjab, Pakistan. This irrigation network is considered to be among the biggest in the world with over 58,000 canal outlets. The paper proposes a new energy-efficient routing protocol that significantly improves the network lifespan as well as reduces the packet error rates resulting in a more dependable distributed WSN.
SIMULATION is a publication devoted to advancing the discipline and profession of modeling and simulation. The journal aims to help professionals and researchers, particularly those involved in multidisciplinary projects, apply advances in modeling and simulation theory, methodology and technology to their application areas.