The LUMS Alumni Sydney Chapter had a get together after a long time over a yummy lunch on April 25, 2016 on the ANZAC public holiday. The alumni attended the get together with their families and enjoyed catching up.
It was a group across many years and different areas. There were MBAs as well as undergraduates from as recent as 2014. Most classes and programmes were represented at the event.
Besides touching base with each other, they discussed and agreed on registering the Alumni Sydney Chapter as an association in Australia and to have alumni as members of the association to have a more formal structure to the setup.
In this regards, a couple of Alumni will soon do the required paperwork and the associated administrative tasks which will also involve opening up a bank account in the name of the Alumni Sydney Chapter. This would help the formal structure of the alumni to receive funds and use and allocate funds according to the objectives and rules of the association.
The alumni were all excited on meeting up again after this initial work to discuss the selection of the leadership team or office holders to represent the group. An election by vote was an option that was discussed as well.
We are hoping that more alumni would be coming over to these get togethers in the future and contributing to the cause of their alma mater.