Dr Zubair Abbasi, Assistant Professor, Law and Policy, Shaikh Ahmed Hassan School of Law (SAHSOL), has received the HEC Thematic Research Grant to conduct a research under the title "The Role of Judiciary in Protection of Women’s Rights: A Case Study of Divorce Law (Khula)". Under the supervision of Dr Abbasi, a team of four research scholars will explore the judicial process of the development of women's right to divorce without the consent of their husbands (khula), and assess the impact of changes in divorce law on the institution of family in Pakistan based on empirical data collected from family courts and local councils.
Dr Abbasi teaches Muslim Personal Law and Islamic Jurisprudence. His research focuses on the relationship between classical Islamic law (Sharia/Fiqh) and its relationship with the modern nation state. He has published papers in prestigious research journals. He is the author of a forthcoming textbook on Islamic Family Law in Pakistan.
Read more about Dr. Zubair Abbasi here.