Dr. Zartash Uzmi, Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Syed Babar Ali School of Science and Engineering, was recently in the US, where he visited several universities, including Stanford, USC, CalTech, and MIT. He also delivered talks to the Networking Systems groups at University of Southern California (USC) and Tufts University.
These talks were on an up and coming area of Internet Censorship which is of immense interest to large web players such as Google and Facebook. Technicalities behind Internet Censorship is one of the major areas being researched by the Networking Systems group at LUMS. The talks were based on two projects. One was completed last year in collaboration with University of Cambridge and University of California, Berkeley, while the other is underway at LUMS and is being co-investigated by Dr. Ihsan Ayyub Qazi and Dr. Uzmi.