Dr. Parvez Hassan, is a Senior Advocate at the Supreme Court of Pakistan, and a founder and member of the LUMS Governing body at LUMS. Dr. Hassan is the Chair Emeritus of the World Commission on Environmental Law of IUCN-The World Conservation Union, and the President of the Pakistan Environmental Law Association.
His new title ‘Resolving Environmental Disputes in Pakistan: The Role of Judicial Commissions’ has been published by Pakistan Law House in 2018. It discusses the success stories of judicial commissions on environment and environmental laws in Pakistan.
Dr. Hassan and Pakistan Law House have granted the copyrights of the book to LUMS giving the University permission to make it available online. Gad and Birgit Rausing library has digitised the book and has published on its website. It can be accessed, downloaded and read online in PDF or Kindle book format.
The book is available here