Dr. Muhammad Hamad Alizai, Assistant Professor at the Computer Science Department, Syed Babar Ali School of Science and Engineering (SBASSE), has been awarded the German Academic Exchange Program (DAAD) Award under the "Germany-Pakistan Research Collaborations Programme” for his research proposal “iCompute" in collaboration with Computer Science Professor Dr. Klaus Wehrle, of RWTH Aachen University, Germany.
Initial funding for the first two years is approximately 80,000 Euros with an optional 3rd year extension offering further 40,000 Euros.The research proposal seeks to establish a new IoT lab at Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS). In addition to this, the funding will provide an infinite number of travel grants for LUMS students to travel to Germany and for German researchers to visit LUMS. While this will provide opportunities to several LUMS students, it will also allow joint supervision and progress monitoring of three PhD students and six MS thesis students.