Thursday, June 15, 2017

It was a night of camaraderie for the Jeddah Alumni Chapter on Tuesday, 13 June, 2017, when they held a get-together over iftar.
A variety of alumni attended the event with their families, ranging from graduates from last year’s batch of 2016, to alumni from MBA 2005 and EMBA 2006. The meet-up was quite interactive and lively, allowing the alumni to engage in a number of interesting discussions from the current economic situation in Pakistan, to how the alumni can effectively give back to LUMS.
Aamir Altaf, MBA 2005, head of the Jeddah Alumni Chapter, shared details about LUMS National Outreach Programme (NOP) with the group, and explained the different ways through which they can contribute to LUMS and support the programme. The gathering acknowledged and appreciated the success of the NOP so far, and made a collective commitment to contribute to this year’s NOP fund. The newly established Lifetime Learning @LUMS programme was also found to be an interesting and worthwhile endeavour by the alumni, and they agreed that it would be a great initiative to participate in during the summer vacations when they come visit Pakistan.
The alumni unanimously agreed that the Jeddah Chapter would be more effective in contributing to LUMS once a formal reunion is held in the presence of senior LUMS faculty and management. The evening concluded with a group photograph to capture the meet-up, and a shared determination to reunite again in the near future.