On Friday, December 04, 2015, the Center for Water Informatics & Technology (WIT) at LUMS, hosted Prof. Dr. Andreas Dengel, Scientific Director, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI). Prof. Dengel's agenda started with a short visit to WIT during which he interacted with the current staff in a round table meeting. Dr. Abubakr Muhammad, Director of WIT and Associate Professor in the Electrical Engineering department, briefed Prof. Dengel on the nascent activities of WIT and also discussed numerous possibilities for collaboration with DFKI. Afterwards, Prof. Dengel gave an open talk on DFKI's iGreen project. iGreen aims to provide a framework for the development of mobile decision support systems, with applications in agriculture, forestry, water management, landscaping, environmental and nature conservation. He then demonstrated how iGreen was being used in Germany to help farmers' decision-making in the crop production process. Prof. Dengel called this Farming 4.0, part of the so-called fourth industrial revolution driven by technologies like cyber-physical systems, internet of things and big data analytics.